Keeping up foreign relations

Prior to arriving in Budapest, we arranged an apartment with a well-recommended guesthouse for ourselves and our friends Matt and Jeff, who were meeting us there the next day. The agreed price was 20 Euro/person. After arriving at the "apartment," it became clear the reviews were, ah, generous. It is sufficient to say the Hungarian definition of "clean" proved inadequate. We decided not to stay another night and went upstairs to cancel the remainder of our reservation. The rest went something like this:
Brandon: I am very sorry, but we have decided not to stay. Can we please pay you for the room last night and collect our passport from you?
Crazy Hungarian Lady: You not stay!? You pay 50 Euro!
B: But we agreed that the price was to be 20 Euro per person. I will gladly give you 40 Euro.
CHL: You promise to stay three night. Now you go - you pay extra!
B: But you did not ask for a deposit - there was no reservation!
CHL: This is because I have confidence in guest. Now my confidence go POOF! (Makes corresponding "poof" gesticulation)
B: You are holding our passport for ransom. This is very unfair. I will give you 45 Euro.
CHL: This is not Turkish bazaar! You pay 50 Euro!
B: (After much deliberation) Fine, but I am writing Lonely Planet a letter.
So after some discussion, we decided it was worth 10 Euro not to spend the afternoon in the US Embassy explaining the situation. The second apartment was much nicer.
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